Dent Corn, Jimmy Red
Product Description: (Zea mays) Having been brought into the fold by prohibition-era bootleggers, Jimmy Red has long been considered to be the finest whiskey corn in the world. Its abnormally high sugar content eclipses that of rival varieties like Bloody Butcher. However, Jimmy Red’s greatest asset is the rich, oily germ that imparts a subtle cherry-like flavor when distilled.
Today, Jimmy Red is prized among distillers and chefs alike (a naturally sweet, red-speckled cornbread simply can’t be beat) but this wasn’t always the case. In the early 2000s, when the last grower of Jimmy Red passed away, the variety teetered on the edge of extinction. Local farmer and seed saver Ted Chewning was able to obtain two ears from the abandoned field before the elements rendered them non-viable — the same two ears from which our seeds originate. Ears are 10-12 inches in length with 12-16 rows of kernels. Open-pollinated. 75 seeds per packet.
Growing Information: Direct seed in full sun after all danger of frost has passed. Sow seeds 5 cm (2 inches) deep and 25 cm (10 inches) apart in rows 75 cm (2.5 feet) apart.
Once the husks are thoroughly dry and the kernels can no longer be dented with your fingernail, the ears are ready for harvest. Store in a cool, dry place to continue drying until the kernels can be easily removed from the cob, like loose teeth. 115 days to maturity.
How To Save Corn Seeds
Saving corn seeds is incredibly simple! Once the ears are dried thoroughly, peel back the papery husks and work the seeds loose with your thumb. Dry further if needed, then atore the seeds in a cool, dry location until you are ready to plant again.
Product Description: (Zea mays) Having been brought into the fold by prohibition-era bootleggers, Jimmy Red has long been considered to be the finest whiskey corn in the world. Its abnormally high sugar content eclipses that of rival varieties like Bloody Butcher. However, Jimmy Red’s greatest asset is the rich, oily germ that imparts a subtle cherry-like flavor when distilled.
Today, Jimmy Red is prized among distillers and chefs alike (a naturally sweet, red-speckled cornbread simply can’t be beat) but this wasn’t always the case. In the early 2000s, when the last grower of Jimmy Red passed away, the variety teetered on the edge of extinction. Local farmer and seed saver Ted Chewning was able to obtain two ears from the abandoned field before the elements rendered them non-viable — the same two ears from which our seeds originate. Ears are 10-12 inches in length with 12-16 rows of kernels. Open-pollinated. 75 seeds per packet.
Growing Information: Direct seed in full sun after all danger of frost has passed. Sow seeds 5 cm (2 inches) deep and 25 cm (10 inches) apart in rows 75 cm (2.5 feet) apart.
Once the husks are thoroughly dry and the kernels can no longer be dented with your fingernail, the ears are ready for harvest. Store in a cool, dry place to continue drying until the kernels can be easily removed from the cob, like loose teeth. 115 days to maturity.
How To Save Corn Seeds
Saving corn seeds is incredibly simple! Once the ears are dried thoroughly, peel back the papery husks and work the seeds loose with your thumb. Dry further if needed, then atore the seeds in a cool, dry location until you are ready to plant again.
Product Description: (Zea mays) Having been brought into the fold by prohibition-era bootleggers, Jimmy Red has long been considered to be the finest whiskey corn in the world. Its abnormally high sugar content eclipses that of rival varieties like Bloody Butcher. However, Jimmy Red’s greatest asset is the rich, oily germ that imparts a subtle cherry-like flavor when distilled.
Today, Jimmy Red is prized among distillers and chefs alike (a naturally sweet, red-speckled cornbread simply can’t be beat) but this wasn’t always the case. In the early 2000s, when the last grower of Jimmy Red passed away, the variety teetered on the edge of extinction. Local farmer and seed saver Ted Chewning was able to obtain two ears from the abandoned field before the elements rendered them non-viable — the same two ears from which our seeds originate. Ears are 10-12 inches in length with 12-16 rows of kernels. Open-pollinated. 75 seeds per packet.
Growing Information: Direct seed in full sun after all danger of frost has passed. Sow seeds 5 cm (2 inches) deep and 25 cm (10 inches) apart in rows 75 cm (2.5 feet) apart.
Once the husks are thoroughly dry and the kernels can no longer be dented with your fingernail, the ears are ready for harvest. Store in a cool, dry place to continue drying until the kernels can be easily removed from the cob, like loose teeth. 115 days to maturity.
How To Save Corn Seeds
Saving corn seeds is incredibly simple! Once the ears are dried thoroughly, peel back the papery husks and work the seeds loose with your thumb. Dry further if needed, then atore the seeds in a cool, dry location until you are ready to plant again.